The Association of College and University Housing Officers International (ACUHO-I)

The Association of College and University Housing Officers International and EBI Benchmarking Assessments partnered to develop powerful assessment tools for residence life. Our assessments are rooted in educational theory and research, utilize rigorous statistical methods, and are closely aligned with ACUHO-I Professional Standards. As a result, we provide higher education professionals with the information and support they need to enable students to make the most of their college experience.

Assessments seek to:

  • Calibrate performance against professional standards (e.g. CAS Standards, NASPA/ACPA Learning and Leadership Reconsidered, ACUHO-I Professional Standards)
  • Identify specifically where improvement efforts should be focused to improve overall quality and performance
  • Benchmark your institution’s performance with our existing community of hundreds of institutions
  • Evaluate performance over time to monitor the impact of improvement efforts and inform future improvement initiatives
  • Provide evidence of how your department contributes to the fulfillment of the institutional mission
  • Create/enhance continuous improvement methodology for Student Affairs on your campus
Resident Assessment - Queens Campus        
Instrument2016 (PDF)2015 (PDF)2014 (PDF)2013 (PDF)2012 (PDF)2011 (PDF)2010 (PDF)2009 (PDF)
Apartment Assessment - Staten Island Campus        
Results201620152014 (PDF)20132012201120102009
Instrument2016 (PDF)2015 (PDF)2014 (PDF)2013 (PDF)2012 (PDF)2011 (PDF)2010 (PDF)2009 (PDF)