2024 Public Interest Auction

2024 Public Interest Auction

Our 2024 Online Public Interest Auction Has Started. Come Bid High and Often!

Our online auction house is open now through 10 p.m. tomorrow, 4/3/24. Bid now!

Already Registered? 
Great! Just head online to bid high and often on our super slate of online auction items.

Haven’t Registered Yet?
It’s not too late!

Register Online Now: 

Go to “Sign In" on the online auction homepage.  

Set up your account using your email address or with your Facebook or Google account credentials. 

If you use email, you must create a password. 

If you use Facebook or Google, you must designate an account to associate with the online auction. 

Enter your mobile number, first name, and last name. You may also add your credit card information.  

Register by Text:

Text 2024publicinterestauction to 243725. 

You will receive a One-Click-Login link in response. 

Complete the registration with additional information as prompted.   

*Message and data rates may apply. Please review the SMS Terms and Conditions for more information. 



About the Public Interest Auction

Hosted by our Public Interest Center annually over three days, the Public Interest Auction brings hundreds of students, faculty, alumni, and friends together virtually in our online auction house (Days 1 & 2) and in person at St. John's Law (Day 3) to bid on a wonderful range of goods, services, and experiences.

Auction proceeds help to fund the Law School's Summer Public Interest Fellowship Program and other public interest programs and initiatives.

With this vital fellowship support, students get paid for otherwise unpaid summer work in legal services organizations, nonprofit advocacy groups, government agencies, District Attorneys' Offices, and judicial chambers. As they build practical knowledge and skills hands on, they grow their professional networks and chart their path to success in the profession.

2024 Auction 

Join us for this year’s Public Interest Auction, presented in two formats over three days:

Days 1 & 2: Online Auction

Starts: Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 10 a.m. EST
Ends: Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 10 p.m. EST

Day 3: In-Person Auction

Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Location: St. John’s Law Superheroes HQ (aka the Law School Cafeteria)*
Doors Open: 6 p.m. 
Auction Starts: 7 p.m.

*This year's Auction’s theme is Superheroes, and we encourage you to dress accordingly for the in-person Auction!

Support the Auction

You can support the 2024 Public Interest Auction in multiple ways:

Donate goods, services, or experiences

We welcome a range of donated goods, services, and experiences. If you already know what you would like to donate, please complete our donation form. Need more information? Please see the accordion section below for donation ideas and instructions.

Make a monetary gift

We welcome and appreciate monetary gifts of any amount. It’s quick and easy to give online today.

Sponsor the event

Sponsoring the 2024 Public Interest Auction is a wonderful way to support this important fundraiser. Here are this year's sponsorship opportunities:

  • $6,000: Full Public Interest Summer Fellowship in Your Name

  • $3,000: Partial Summer Public Interest Fellowship

  • $1,000: Full Spring Break Service Trip 

  • $500: Partial Spring Break Service Trip

  • $250: Public Interest Center Superhero

  • $100: Public Interest Center Supporter

All sponsors will be recognized. Please contact Brian Woods at [email protected] to become a sponsor or for more information.

Bid high and often

Thank You!

However you choose to participate in the 2024 Public Interest Auction, your generosity will make a world of difference to St. John’s Law students as they engage in public interest work and activities that promote social justice and serve the public good. 

Donations to the Public Interest Auction are tax deductible. Please see the accordion section below for additional tax deduction information.

More Information

No Donation is Too Small! 

We mix and match small items to create wonderful, themed baskets. Here’s just a sampling of popular donations:

  • Theater, concert, and sporting event tickets   
  • Vacation home and resort packages  
  • Golf outings at premier courses  
  • Streaming service, meal kit, Amazon Prime, and other subscriptions   
  • Personal and home electronics  
  • Wine and spirits  
  • Fine jewelry   
  • Artwork and home décor   

Ready to Donate?

Please complete our donation form.

Contact Us

Please contact Director of Fundraising Natalie Mishkin '24 at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to brainstorm donation ideas. 

Monetary Donations & Sponsorships

If you donate money to support the Auction, St. John’s University will give you a gift/tax receipt for your monetary donation. This also applies to sponsorships, as long as you don’t receive anything in return for sponsoring the Auction.

Non-Monetary Donations 

If you make a non-monetary (in-kind) donation to the Auction—goods, services, or experiences to auction off—please email Public Interest Center Director Jeanne Ortiz-Ortiz at [email protected] and she will send you a form that you can complete and submit for tax purposes.

Auction Item Wins

If you win an auction item and pay more for it than its fair market value, St. John’s University will give you a gift/tax receipt for the difference.

The IRS recognizes St. John’s University (Tax ID 11-1630830) as a Section 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your payment above the fair market value (FMV) is a gift and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.