Defense and Advocacy Clinic

What We Do

In this in-house, one-semester litigation and advocacy clinic, students represent clients charged with misdemeanor offenses in Queens Criminal Court, advocate for clients held in punitive segregation at Rikers Island, and navigate policy issues related to mass incarceration, mass criminalization, and public defense.

The Defense and Advocacy Clinic is an immersive in-house, one-semester litigation and advocacy clinic. Students represent clients charged with misdemeanor offenses in Queens Criminal Court, advocate for clients held in punitive segregation at Rikers Island, and navigate policy issues to related to mass incarceration, mass criminalization, and public defense.

Students take full responsibility for their clients’ cases and develop essential lawyering skills during the course of the clinic including:

  • Interviewing clients
  • Making bail applications
  • Conducting investigations
  • Litigating discovery
  • Drafting motions
  • Negotiating with prosecutors
  • Researching immigration and other direct consequences
  • Mitigation advocacy
  • Appearing before judges
  • Counseling clients

As students gain practical experience, they learn to navigate New York's criminal system and advocate for clients who are disenfranchised. They also attend a weekly seminar, where they simulate skills with full-time practitioners, explore New York State’s criminal legal reform movements, and consider policy solutions to systemic issues they encounter in the field, as well as recurring challenges in public defense.

Contact Us

Defense and Advocacy Clinic
Clinical Office
St. John’s School of Law, Room 2-26
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
[email protected]
Phone: 718-990-6689
Fax: 718-990-1961

Our Clinic

How to Apply as a Candidate

Students can apply for the Defense and Advocacy Clinic during the spring semester for fall of the following academic year and in the fall semester for the following spring semester of the same academic year. 

Attend a Virtual Clinical Information Session which is held for All Clinics for one day in April and in October.

  • Next Date:   TBD
  • Application URL:  
  • Upload the following within the online application:
  • Cover Letter stating interest in the clinic 
  • Current Resume
  • Unofficial Transcript printed from the Academic Record screen in UIS 

Students are required to have taken Criminal Law and are encouraged to have taken Criminal Procedure:  Investigation, Evidence, and Trial Advocacy.  This course satisfies the Advanced Practice Writing Requirement and the Applied Skills Requirement.

Martin J. LaFalce
Assistant Professor of Clinical Legal Education
Director, Defense and Advocacy Clinic