
April 23, 2020

In Memoriam - Emily Cerullo

It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Emily Cerullo Mother of Diana Cerullo Library Circulation Assistant, University Library Service was privately held Expressions of...

April 21, 2020

In Memoriam - Josephine Esch

It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Josephine Esch Mother of Mary Ellen Warne Assistant Director Office of Student Financial Services Services were privately held...

April 17, 2020

In Memoriam - Phillip Vecchione

It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of the family of one of our colleagues: Phillip Vecchione Brother of Leonora Stancati Academic Support Assistant The Peter J. Tobin College of Business Services were...

April 08, 2020

A Message from the President During Holy Week

During this time of Holy Week, we are confronted with the fragility of our human lives as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In response to the disruption and uncertainty caused by this global public health crisis, St. John’s had to make hard...

April 07, 2020

In Memoriam - Thom McCarthy

It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a member of our university family and family member of one of our colleagues: Professor Thom McCarthy College of Professional Studies: Mass Communications Division and Brother of...

April 05, 2020

Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 40

Name: Rev Bernard M. Tracey, C.M. Title: Executive Vice President for Mission Palm Sunday Reflection The celebration of Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. It is the holiest of weeks in the life of Christians around the world and the...

April 04, 2020

Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 39

Name: Leslie Balderas Reyes Title: Student, Class of 2020 Department/College: The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies Scripture of the Day: EZ 37: 21-28; JN 11: 45-56 “The Lord will guard us, as a shepherd guards his...

April 03, 2020

Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 38

Name: Deven Rodriguez Title: Student, Class of 2020 Department/College: The Peter J. Tobin College of Business Scripture of the Day: Jer 20:10–13; Ps. 18; Jn 10:31–42 As I read the scripture for today, I was particularly drawn to the first reading...

April 02, 2020

Lenten Reflections 2020: Day 37

Name: Ellen Boegel, J.D. Title: Faculty Department/College: The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies Scripture of the Day: GN 17: 3-9; JN 8: 51-59 “When Abram prostrated himself, God spoke to him.” We may spontaneously...

April 01, 2020

Grand Alumni Homecoming Weekend and University Updates

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Please know that here at St. John’s, the members of the Vincentian community pray daily for you, the St. John’s community, our nation, and the world. We invite you to send any...