Gate 1 at St. John's with some tulips

SOAR (Sexual violence Outreach, Awareness, and Response)

The SOAR Office works to prevent and reduce the traumatic impact of sexual assault, dating and relationship violence, and stalking at St. John’s University.

We do this through outreach with community stakeholders, raising awareness among our student population and by supporting victims through providing on and off campus resources.

Knowing YES! Training Bystander Intervention Leadership Training You Are Not Alone: Guide for Survivors

Trainings and Workshops

SOAR believes everyone is affected when sexual violence occurs in our community. SOAR hosts ongoing trainings throughout the academic year for students to prevent incidents of sexual violence and make St. John’s a safer place. Interested in joining a training, or requesting one for your student group? See the list of options below.

Practicing affirmative consent empowers you to define your “yes!”: what you want and deserve in your relationships.

Consent should be knowing, voluntary, mutually understood, and enthusiastic.

Learn more about Knowing YES!: An Affirmative Consent Training.

It’s On Us. All of us. To be part of the solution.

When we see or hear something that isn’t right, we’re faced with a choice: “Do I get involved?” or “Do I mind my own business?”

Learn how to get involved using the three Ds of Bystander Intervention.

SOAR has events all throughout the academic year. To stay up to date about events, follow us on Instagram @soar_sju!

SOAR hosts two major events throughout the year: Take Back The Night in the Fall and Turn Off the Violence Week in the Spring.

Interested in collaborating on an event? Curious about other ways to get involved in SOAR? Contact us at [email protected].

Support for Survivors

St. John’s University strives to reduce the traumatic impact of sexual violence on campus by providing a coordinated and trauma-informed response team. Here you will find resources for survivors and advice for how to help a friend.

For immediate support, please visit You Are Not Alone: Guide for Survivors.

If you’ve experienced sexual violence, please know that what happened is not your fault. You deserve safety and respect, always. You may be experiencing a wide range of feelings such as shock, fear, disbelief, recurring memories, outrage, confusion, sadness, despair, and anger. All of your feelings are valid. Whether you tell someone, who you tell, and how you tell your story is entirely your decision. Regardless of what you decide, there are many people at St. John’s University who are committed to supporting you.

Please visit You Are Not Alone: Guide for Survivors. Here you will find information to support you in your healing process, including; medical care options, emotional support, reporting options and remedies that may be available to you.

The CSA is a confidential resource for survivors of violence to tell their story, ask questions, and explore their options. The CSA can explain the different reporting options to help you make an informed choice about reporting or not. If you want to know about emotional support options you have access to on and off-campus, the CSA can help you explore them. Perhaps you are interested in medical care or receiving accommodations on campus; the CSA can speak with you about that.

You have options. Healing is a journey, and the CSA can support you wherever you are on that journey.

Please contact the CSA at 718-990-8484 or [email protected]. We will get back to you within 2 business days. For immediate support, please contact the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline at 718-990-6352.

Upcoming Events

Yoga can reconnect you to and bolster your inner strength while coping with long-lasting impacts of trauma.

Join Exhale to Inhale for a free 12-week gentle yoga class for any St. John's students who would like to check in with your stress levels and connect with your body. Classes are on Tuesdays starting January 30 to April 23, 2024, from 12:15 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the Donovan Hall Community Room.

Mats will be provided. All bodies are welcome. Wear comfortable clothes. No yoga experience required. Come as often as you’d like!

Register online for classes

Exhale to Inhale - SOAR Yoga - Teacher
Exhale to Inhale - SOAR Yoga - Location

Mark your calendars! This year’s Turn Off The Violence Week (TOTV) is Monday, April 17 to Friday, April 21, 2023.

We will update you here once events are confirmed. Follow us on Instagram for the most up to date calendar @soar_sju.

If you’re interested in collaborating on a TOTV event, email us at [email protected]!

From the Blog

St. John's University Student Taking Cyberstalking Precautions

Cyberstalking Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

In today’s digital world, social media platforms offer avenues for personal connection. However, along with the benefits come risks, such as technology-facilitated crimes like cyberstalking. Despite the convenience of online interactions, it’s essential to remain on guard against the potential threats posed by anonymity and misuse of digital platforms.

St Johns Student Shaolin Barid
Shaolin Barid
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