Christopher P. Long

PhD, Management, Duke UniversityMaster in Public Policy (MPP), Harvard UniversityBA (Hons), Political Science, University of Connecticut
Chris P. Long is the Paul Naughton Professor of Management and the Director of the Executive-in-Residence Program. In his award-winning research, he examines the actions that leaders take within complex and dynamic business environments. His work is aimed at helping leaders understand how to leverage their personal capabilities and optimize their efforts to achieve a wide range of performance objectives.

He has extensive experience consulting with multi-national corporations on issues of leadership, organizational design, and organizational change. He holds a PhD in Management from Duke University and a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He has previously held academic positions at Georgetown University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Duke University. While at Georgetown, he was awarded the Joseph F. Lemoine Award for Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Excellence. This award is given to the top teacher each year at the McDonough School of Business. In 2022, he was selected by Poets & Quants as one of the Top 50 Undergraduate Business School Professors in the United States.

In addition to his civilian duties, Professor Long has served for over 20 years as an Officer in the United States Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve involved in operations and research addressing a range of issues critical to national defense.

Teaching Interests

Leadership, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Organization Design, Management Consulting, Organizational Change

Research Interests

Leadership, Organizational Control, Fairness, Trust, Organizational Design

Courses Taught


Select Publications

Journal Articles

Sitkin, S. B., Long, C. P., and Cardinal, L. B. (2020). Assessing the Control Literature: Looking Back and Looking Forward. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. vol. 7, pp. 339-368.

Kelly, A., Traynham, S., Long, C. P., and Britt, T. (2019). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Criminal Behavior in U.S. Army Populations: The Mediating Role of Psychopathy and Suicide Ideation. American Journal of Psychology. vol. 132, pp. 85-95.

Cardinal, L. B., Sitkin, S. B., Long, C. P., and Miller, C. C. (2018). The Genesis of Control Configurations during Organizational Founding.. Advances in Strategic Management.

Long, C. P. (2018). To Control and Build Trust: How Managers Use Organizational Controls and Trust-building Activities to Motivate Subordinate Cooperation. Accounting, Organizations, and Society. vol. 70, pp. 69-91.

Horak, S., and Long, C. P. (2018). Dissolving the Paradox: Power and Trust Orthogonality in Collaborative Business Relationships.. Supply Chain Management: An International Review. vol. 23, pp. 573-590.

Long, C. P., and Sitkin, S. B. (2018). Control-Trust Dynamics in Organizations: Identifying Shared Perspectives and Charting Conceptual Faultlines. Academy of Management Annals. vol. 12, pp. 725-751.

Long, C. P. (2016). Mapping the Main Roads to Fairness: Examining the Managerial Context of Fairness-Promotion. Journal of Business Ethics. vol. 137, pp. 757-783.

Karim, S., Carroll, T. N., and Long, C. P. (2016). Delaying Change: Examining How Industry and Management Turbulence Impact Structural Realignment. Academy of Management Journal. vol. 59, pp. 791-817.

Long, C. P., Sitkin, S., Cardinal, L., and Burton, R. (2015). How Controls Influence Organizational Information Processing: Insights from a Computational Modeling Investigation. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. vol. 21, pp. 406-436.

Hernandez, M., Long, C. P., and Sitkin, S. (2014). Cultivating Trust in Leaders: Are All Leader Behaviors Equally Influential?. Organization Studies. vol. 35, pp. 1867-1892.

Long, C. P., Bendersky, C., and Morrill, C. (2011). Fairness Monitoring: Contextualizing Fairness Judgments in Organizations. Academy of Management Journal. vol. 54, pp. 1045-1068.

Cardinal, L., Sitkin, S., and Long, C. P. (2004). Balancing and Rebalancing in the Creation and Evolution of Organizational Control. Organization Science. vol. 15, pp. 411-431.

Long, C. P., Burton, R., and Cardinal, L. (2002). Three Controls Are Better Than One: A Simulation Model of Complex Control Systems. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. vol. 8, pp. 197-220.

Lewin, A., Long, C. P., and Carroll, T. (1999). The Co-Evolution of New Organizational Forms. Organization Science. vol. 10, pp. 535-550.

Books Chapters

Long, C. P. (2021). Cascading Influences and Contextualized Effects: A Model of Multilevel Control-Trust Dynamics. In: Understanding Trust in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series) 1st Edition. New York, NY, USA.: Routledge. pp. 87-120.